Fotabe Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy (FELA)


Fotabe Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy (FELA)

Introduction to FELA


FOTABE ENTRREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP ACADEMY (FELA) is a vocational training institution. FELA is the leading center for entrepreneurial leadership in Africa. FELA’s curriculum was especially designed to train young men and women in Cameroon to develop Entrepreneurial skills,
acquire concrete leadership experience, and develop positive professional abilities needed to become entrepreneurs and change their communities.
Our students are taught lifelong skills by studying tailor made courses taught by highly trained faculty.
FELA is a business school created by Ministerial order 044/MINEFOP/SG/DFO/SDGSF/SACD with the objective of transforming Africa by identifying rare skills in common youth and honing such skills so that graduates become leaders and world class Entrepreneurs in their communities.
FELA focuses on skill-based training for Cameroonians and Africans wishing to acquire marketoriented skills and business skills. The program was designed by FELA, with the specific needs of the job market and the employment climate in mind.

FELA’s unique model:

FELA was created to train unique entrepreneurial leaders through its SCHOOL-TO-WORK (s2w) and Business Leadership programs which offer students the unique opportunity to work while studying, and serving their communities through volunteering activities, while developing themselves
both morally and professionally.

FELA’s model is unique in 3 aspects: First the curriculum, second the learning approach, and third, the progression route.

1. The curriculum: FELA’s curriculum was designed by experts in both leadership and entrepreneurship, with a deep understanding of the Cameroonian and African market. The curriculum focuses on three key pillars: Skills, Experience and Attitude (SEA). These are the fundamental pillars to every successful business organization.
FELA ensures that every student acquires these skills by (i) ensuring that all students learn courses which are not taught anywhere else (Intrapreneurship, time management, Cameroon business environment, world report, etc) (ii) by ensuring that all students study and work, and (iii) by ensuring that all our students volunteer as part of their program. Here are a full list of all the common courses studied by ALL students of FELA before specializing in their chosen fields.


2. The learning approach: FELA’s learning approach is designed to train students to acquire skills, rather than theoretical knowledge. Our approach is twofold: Co-creation and action learning. We use illustrative case studies and students work with customers to design products/programs at the
level of their final projects. We focus on learning by doing.

3. The progression route: One of the biggest challenges to vocational training in Cameroon is progression. Students who opt for a professional/vocational program usually cannot progress to a higher level in their chosen fields. FELA has solved that problem by designing a unique
progression route, following the British apprenticeship levels from Advanced (level 3) to Higher (level 4 – 5). Additionally, thanks to a partnership with Rome Business School, students can
progress to level 6 and then to an MBA.